Vivek J. Tiwary’s The Fifth Beatle tells the compelling story of a tremendously successful entertainment executive who lived at a time that gay people were excluded from the public dialogue — not that long ago — and the costs of that exclusion. Brian Epstein’s story portrays the unnecessary, unfair, and unacceptable pain and price of telling some of our friends that they cannot dream of a life of love and commitment equally respected under the law. And while we now celebrate winning the freedom to marry both in Epstein’s home country of Britain and here in the U.S., the work of securing gay and transgender Americans against discrimination in other important areas of life – employment, housing, education, public accommodations such as restaurants or businesses – remains. We continue to imagine, as John Lennon urged, a better world — and work hard to make it a reality.
Freedom for All Americans is the campaign to secure full nondiscrimination protections for LGBT people nationwide. Our work brings together Republicans and Democrats, businesses large and small, people of faith, and allies from all walks of life to make the case for comprehensive nondiscrimination protections that ensure everyone is treated fairly and equally.